The newest preconfigured play structure, Hedra™ , changes the rules of play. There are countless combinations of interconnected, age-appropriate experiences.
For more information and specifications, view the Hedra™ brochure.
Hedra™ provides a world where the next move is always the right one. A world where kids can safely navigate via their own intuition and curiosity. Where experiences and activities can’t be counted, only created. Hedra™ offers the permission kids need to invent and reinvent routes, games, imaginary environments, and personal bests. It is one world with endless outcomes.
2020 has been a challenging year for all and a devastating time for many. We have been taking the necessary precautions with our team working remotely in the NY area and working diligently with all of our clients to find solutions that adapt to their changing needs.
We remain committed to a world where opportunities for inclusive and engaging play are found throughout all communities. And now more than ever we see that outdoor play, where fresh air and nature are the setting, is crucial to our culture.
The CDC has issued new guidance for visiting parks and playgrounds to help keep visitors safe and healthy.
Carefully consider use of playgrounds, and help children follow guidelines.
Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet away from people you don’t live with.
Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol and rub hands together until dry, if soap and water are not readily available.
Wear a cloth face covering, if you can.
You can see and share the updated guidelines at
If you’re interested in building or adapting a playground during and post-pandemic, we’re ready to help you!